

I think I successfully established that I work in an office with some… Interesting people. But despite my bemusement, I kind of understood what was happening. Between the “Christmas Spirit”, a prize, and the expected “type A” personalities of former military folk, it was an escallation that had to happen. But there is a new development at my workplace, one that shows this place is dedicated to raising the bar on crazy yet again. Some may say what I observed isn’t that crazy. And those people are the ones that want cell phone service on Mt Everest. The kind of person that thinks coffee should be served at bedtime. The raving lunatics who drive the speed limit. Nutters as they say abroad. 

I’m talking about the kind of people who put THIS in the office bathroom:

behold the “potty green”

Yes. You are looking at the “potty green” recently installed in the unisex bathroom at work. It’s as if someone read about the fun atmosphere created at powerhouses such as “Google” and “Zenga” and decided to make a Dollar Tree version of that. This is a full service amusement though. Not only is there “grass”, “balls”, and a “putter”; there is a way to notify the world you are engaged it important business….


if the ball is a droppin’ don’t bother knockin’

A way to let the bosses know you are successfully integrating a new paradigm shift. I fear my definition of sane may be forced to shift after this job. 

behold the latest stop on the PGA